Hey! My name is Steven Colling and I'm a solo game developer and illustrator from a small town in Germany, working in indie game development since 2014. That icon on the left is my mascot and he pretty much resembles my daily inner mood!
Hu-hu-heh! What sounds do horses make in text? I don't know! But what I know is, that Steven sometimes takes up small illustration jobs for indie games, tabletop RPGs and board games! So if you want to work together, hit him up!
Shhh! I also have a c o o l Mailing List you can join. I'll regularly send updates on what I'm working on and even share exclusive discount codes for products when they launch!
Jokes and horses aside, I dived directly into solo game development after getting my master's in computer science and afterwards releasing a small game called The LootCastle. I also regularly participated in game jams like Ludum Dare. In around 2015 I started work on a tavern simulation called Orcish Inn, on which I worked several years until burnout got the better of me. I churned out a small puzzle game called Brushwood Buddies, but that made everything worse!
After some reflection, I changed my approach to both work and life and, in recent years, have found my creative flow again. I've started drawing a lot, creating asset packs for other creators to use in their work. I've also started taking on small freelance illustration jobs. I'll hopefully get back to game development soon!
If you feel overwhelmed with creative work too, please be aware of the first signs of burnout. Maybe you've even heard about Take This, which raises awareness for mental health in the gaming and game development community and offers support for those in need.
Let's see what the future brings!